Terms and Conditions

AKA - the rules

Stronger-Us is here to conect you with your local resources and your local government.

"For the People by the People"

1) To conect those in need with the individuals and orginizations that are trying to help.

“Somebody should do something___.” About the homeless, Gun violence, income and inequality, immigration…, the list goes on. There is more we can do, but there is also a great deal of things being done already. The problem is finding the organizations, charities, non-not for profits, clubs, free educational class’ and more. Stronger-US has mapped out the United States. The only resources or government agencies you will find on your community page are the ones next to you. It is broken down into states – then counties – hopefully one day cities as well. (As need and funding allows.)

Each page links to the resources in that area. Major areas listed, subsections then abbreviation of larger group. 

To make sure you have access to the most recent information Stronger-Us links your area to the resource, this means when they update their site – the information will automatically update as well. Links are found on public platforms.

If there is a problem with the resource or you would like to be removed from the list please message on our contact form, and appropriate actions will be addressed.

This site will only add non-discriminatory links that are open to everyone regardless of economic, gender, nationality, culture, or religious beliefs. Church and minority groups are welcome assuming they practice in an inclusive manner. Local, State, Federal and other agencies funded by tax dollars are included as well. In some cases, private or commercial companies have provided excellent information and links to their sites may also be used. If Stronger-Us has an affiliation it will be listed with the link. When clicking on a link to another site the “Terms and Conditions” of the linked sites will apply.   

2) To encourage American Citizens to use the power that was entrusted to them through our U.S. Constitution to cast their ballots.

Stronger-Us believes in the peacful transition of power.

“For the people by the People”, was the intent of our Country. That through our votes we decide which direction our country goes. Recent polls and surveys, average the number of unhappy Americans at some place between 70-90%. When research is cross referenced about 25% of Americans Citizens are not registered to vote. Of those that are registered, roughly only 2/3 vote in Presidential elections and less in local elections. Local elections decide the House Representatives, Congress and local governments, these elections create the laws that govern us.  Exercising our constitutional right to choose our officials is how we create the United States we would like to live in.

Finding information about your local government, voter registration, and your voting rights can be difficult. Each Section has its local Government linked for your convenience.  

This site is an information Hub

No personal information is requested or stored here. In using this site, you agree to not add any personal information either.  Stronger-US does not have case workers available to service individual needs.

Please refer to the services in your area for personal assistance.


Stronger-Us.org is a subsidiary of StrongerTogether.Services LLC, registered as a Charity in Washington State. Different governing authorities have different regulations and use different titles. For clarification StrongerTogether.Services is a “Not-for Profit, Mutual beneficial, or Charity”, the label your government association uses may vary. The company is NOT a 501c or 501c3 for tax purposes nor does it intend to file as such.  Our tax dollars pay for our schools, roads, bridges, teachers, and military personnel. Supporting our country is a priority for the company.

Money buys things. The primary expense of this site is technology. It is expensive, and money is needed to pay for programs, server space, domains, web design, internet, electricity, all of the actual necessary functions.  Donations to assist in these expenses can be made here.

Donations are only made through third party companies and on the StrongerTogether.Services donation page. The separation deters hackers and third-party financing companies (Zelle-Cash App-Venmo-PayPal) have excellent cyber security. No personal or financial information is collected or stored on any affiliated sites of StrongerTogether.Services.

Staffing is the second greatest need for funding. Keeping track of or contacting every charitable organization across the United States and its territories can be quite time consuming. This is where you as a user of this site can save us a bunch of money. If you work for or know of an organization that supports the community or offers a non-discriminatory service, please take a moment to send a message. Having some consistent staff available will be necessary but having people that live in their regions, add services from their area, is the best way to make sure the needs of your community are being met.

All Donations for Stronger-Us, goes through StrongerTogether.Services which only uses third party donation companies. This is to provide added security and accounting records for you and for the company. StrongerTogether.Services takes a holist view of the problems individuals face. This includes mental health with PTSD.online, physical resources through Stronger-Us, and itself helping those in the helping industry unite for the communities they support. Fiscal responsibility includes gathering resources together to distribute as needed to different departments.

At this time funding has been provided by myself, and the donations of others. StrongerTogether.services is actively seeking sponsors, partnering organization, grants, and other funding options that are available. There will be NO adds – tracking – or pop ups allowed on the sites. A Sponsor link is added to each page so you will know where the current funding is coming from.

Terms and Conditions may be updated as needed please continue to review them with each site use.